Monday, November 10, 2014

Piove a Gela

Buongiorno Tutti!
Ma, nella Sicilia, piove tanto.
Well, it has been another great week in Italy! This week has been good even though it started off a little bit slow. Unfortunately Anziano Lazarte had a nasty cold on Tuesday and Wednesday and the mission nurse told us we had to stay inside for him to heal. I am not going to lie, I was going crazy walking around the house trying to find things to do. It was hard to be inside haha. But it was fine. Luckily on Wednesday we got hit by a huge storm coming from the sea, so we didn't have to be outside during that thing. It was raining cats and dogs on and off all day. It was actually pretty intense. It continued a little on Thursday and Friday Morning. It was interesting because the rain had sand in it from the Sahara desert, so it was all sandy on the cars and stuff. That was strange. On Thursday night we had a lesson out at a nearby city named Licata to teach an investigator named A*. It went really well and we are hoping that she begins to progress soon, or we will not be able to keep teaching her. She has some problems with smoking and coming to Church, so we will see what happens.
We also got a new investigator from a member referral. Her name is L*. The first lesson went really well and the spirit was really strong there. She might have some trouble coming to Church, but we will hopefully overcome that this week. She is very nice. This week we also did a lot of meeting with less actives here. That was good, but we didn't really see any success moving forward and getting them to Church unfortunately. Church was good though, this week we had about 10 people total and stuff. The branch President is a really nice but intense guy haha. He is cool.
Well, this week we have done quite a bit of finding, but we have also been getting a few referrals this week from members and hopefully this next week we will be able to see them become investigators. Things are moving along just fine here and life is good in Sicilia. The people speak really strange though, way different than I am use to. It is good though.
This week I have been studying a lot in the New Testament and that has been really cool. I read through all of Matthew and most of Mark, it is so cool to read about the life of Christ and all of the things that He did. It really is incredible. I love getting that repass of the beatitudes and everything. It is just awesome. I am grateful for Christ and everything He did for me in my life. This week at the beginning of the week I began to get a little down just with things but as I spent time praying and reading from the scriptures I have felt a lot better and things have gone really well. It has been good. Last night we visited an older member lady whose husband just passed away a month ago. It was hard because she feels like she doesn't know where to go or what to do. She feels confused about everything. As we were bearing testimony to here the Spirit was so strong. I hope that it helped her out. She has been a faithful member for a long time even though her husband wasn't a member. We are trying to help her return to Church now.
Some other people we are helping return to Church just aren't coming because they are not willing to spend two hours on Sunday at Church. It is a little frustrating honestly. Oh well, everyone has there free agency. We keep trying to help them, but they need to be the ones in the end who make the decision.  Well, this week has been good! That is it for now... Until next week!
Anziano Burton

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